Friday 8 April 2016

Tips You Appreciate When Working From Home

We noticed some of our readers are freelancers which means they are working from home. Don't misunderstand us. Working from home does not say you can only work literally from home. You can work in a coffee shop, restaurant or even in a toilet, i.e. just wherever you like. Being a freelancer that works from home means you have flexible time. Other people might wonder how can one works from home with high productivity and effectiveness? Let us share you the some tips then.

Tips You Appreciate When Working From Home

  1. Establish a routine
    Just like working people where you will have to work from 9am to 5pm, you should establish a routine for your day at home so that you can follow and do not tend to let go of your precious time. Jogging, shower, breakfast, reading news, dress comfortably, work. Having a consistent routine brings your mindset to the exact time where you need to focus on your work.

  2. A special and unique workspace for you
    As you are working from home, you have the flexibility to choose where to do your work. It can be at your study room or on your coach in living room or any other work place that you deem you can focus when you are there. Always remember, a special and unique workspace is not equivalent to a comfy place that can consistently make you lazy and less willing to work, e.g. on your bed.

  3. Get a coffee shop loyalty card
    If you are the kind of people that can't really focus when you are alone, a coffee shop would be one of your best option when you want to choose a place to focus on your work. Hence, we would strongly recommend you to have a coffee shop loyalty card with you so that you can get quite some discount in the long term. In addition, you might consider to go to that coffee shop as well in the event that you want to meet your clients.

  4. Minimise your social media distraction
    Yes, we know this might be hard. However, do you ever know social media has been using up quite some hours of our 24-hour-day? You will be shocked with the amount of work you have done if you do not use social media such as Facebook for a day. Alternatively, limit yourself for a period of time using social media, but this really needs DETERMINATION.

  5. Take at least a walk once a week
    Yes, we are normal people which means we need rest. Have yourself relaxed after the heavy work by walking around for about 15 minutes - take in fresh air and it does clear your mind after working in front of a computer for hours.

With these small yet significant tips, we believe you can make working from home as productive as you used to work in office. Cheers.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Admin,
    May I know what is the best way to contact you regarding the websites?
    Thank you.
